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Last Will and Testament of Harry Clinton Hamlin

Will of H. C. Hamlin, Dec'd.

State of Texas
County of Comanche

I, H.C. Hamlin of the County of Comanche and State of Texas, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs while I have strength to do so, do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills made.

1st. I desire that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and conditions in life.

2nd. I desire and direct that a monument be erected over my grave to the memory of H.C. Hamlin and Cynthia Hamlin, husband and wife, to cost not less than one hundred dollars, which shall be paid by the executrix of my estate out of my estate.

3rd. I desire that my first debts be paid out of my estate without delay, by my executrix to be hereinafter named.

4th. It is my will and desire that all the property, both real and personal, that I ma die seized and possessed of after the payment of all my just debts, together with all the expenses incident to the probating of this will, shall pass to and vest in fee simple, in my beloved wife Cinthia Hamlin, after the payment of all my just debts. I give bequeath and devise to my beloved wife, Cinthia Hamlin, the remainder of all the property that I own or may be interested in at the time of my death in few simple to manage see or dispose of as she may wish or see proper.

5th. I hereby constitute and appoint Cinthia Hamlin executrix of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the 12th day of January A.D. 1906 in the presence of W.A. Waldrop and T. W. Townsend who attests the same at my request.

H.C. Hamlin

The above instrument was now here subscribed by H.C. Hamlin the testator in our presence and we at his request and in his presence, sign our names hereto as attesting witnesses.

W.A. Waldrop
T.W. Townsend

Endorsed Filed March 18th, 1908
T. L. Little, Co. Clerk

Linked toHarry Clinton Hamlin

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